Family Lawyer

Legal Qualifications
- Introduction to Collaborative Law Training
- Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
- Bachelor of Laws, Griffith University
- Bachelor of Business (majoring in Entrepreneurship), Griffith University
Professional Organisations
- Member, Family Law Practitioners Association of Queensland
- Member, Gold Coast District Law Association
Family Lawyer
After high school, I decided that I was going to become a forensic psychologist. And so, I commenced studying a Bachelor of Laws & Bachelor of Psychology at Griffith University in 2014.
A few years down the track, I realised my passion for advocacy and committed to pursuing a career in law. At this point, I transferred my psychology degree to a business degree (with a major in entrepreneurship) with the intention for entrepreneurship to become my ‘creative outlet’ whilst studying law. Upon reflection, it was this decision that has shaped my commercial and creative approach to the practice of law.
Throughout the entirety of my studies, I participated in many practical legal competitions which afforded me numerous opportunities to compete on an inter-state and national scale. During my final year of university, I was also entrusted to manage the competitions portfolio of the Law Students’ Association which involved mentoring early career law students in client interviewing, negotiation and advocacy.
From my practical experience at university, I was lucky enough to gain a position as a legal secretary at a boutique firm in Southport. During this time, I assisted the Principal & Senior Solicitor with the management of property law, commercial law and litigation files. To this date, I often find myself applying this experience to the multi-faceted practice of family law.
Following university, I completed my practical legal training at the College of Law. I specialised in Family Law & Criminal Law as I enjoyed the opportunity to alternate between the roles of ‘good cop, bad cop’.
During this time, I critically considered what I wanted my career to look like in 5, or even 10 years time. Like many of my peers, my heart was not set on becoming part of a corporate firm. Rather, I knew that I would be well-suited to an innovative, client-focused and collaborative team.
Also, I recognised that family law allowed me the opportunity to work with people in manifesting creative, personalised and practical solutions which will have an immediate and lasting effect on their lives. As such, I always strive to empower clients in their decision-making, assist them in maintaining positivity in times of adversity and help in redefining their new version of family.
Video Transcript
I like to consider that I am creative and caring in my approach to family law. Particularly because we’re dealing with clients at one of the toughest times of their life. My name is Amy Hohns, and I am a family lawyer here at BGM.
I decided to get involved in family law because it allowed me the opportunity to develop long-term solutions for clients. And with that, every client is different, and their cases are unique. So, no two days are the same and no two matters are the same. We are very client-focused and collaborative in that multiple lawyers are working on one matter to strategize towards, hopefully, having clients see the other side of the matter.
I strive to be someone that clients can trust. And particularly, because no client expect to walk into a family law office ever in their life. So, hopefully, that I’m someone that they can confide in and share some of the most intimate details of their life.
To date, it’s probably my admission day is the proudest moment professionally. But further to that is probably my first court appearance because once you get the first one done it gets a lot easier.
I enjoy family law because no two days are the same. Every case is different. We deal with different people all the time. And it allows me to be creative in strategizing a different case plan for every matter.