Separating can, at the best of times, feel like running an emotional gauntlet. Add stay-at-home orders and social distancing into the mix, and the situation can suddenly feel like a pressure cooker.
Thankfully, there are things you can do to take this situation down to ‘simmering’ temperature. Here are our five top tips for surviving lockdown as a separated couple.
1. Change all your passwords
Once upon a time, when things were going well, you likely shared your computer and email account passwords with your ex.
However, now you are separating, it’s a good idea to change them – even if you think it’s unlikely your partner would breach your trust by accessing your accounts.
Separation and divorce can make people act in uncharacteristic ways, so you can never be too careful. Changing all your passwords ensures all your communications with your family lawyers remain private.
2. Keep notes of important things
In a separation, it can be challenging to keep track of finer details such as:
- Who did what with the kids, and when?
- What issues did you run into with your ex?
- Were they resolved, and how?
Isolation means that days blur into one, and this clouds memories of things that would otherwise be clear.
The solution is to take notes so you don’t have to rely on memory alone. And remember, something seemingly insignificant relating to your current situation may carry more weight later down the line, so if in doubt, write it down.
3. Work as a team (where the children are involved)
During this challenging time, your children need to come first. And they are likely feeling more unsettled than ever right now.
For starters, their normal routine will probably have gone out of the window thanks to stay-at-home restrictions. While it’s not always possible, acting as a united parenting front can help alleviate their anxieties and stress.
Try to be on the same page about bedtimes and schoolwork, and give them a consistent routine across both households.
4. Get your ducks in a row
Staying at home does have its upsides. You can use this time to compile your financial documents, including your bank, credit card and superannuation statements.
You’ll be needing it soon enough and gathering it now can speed up the process later on. Once you’ve tackled your financials, think ahead to the advice you might require down the track, such as tax, accounting and financial planning.
If you can coordinate it now, you will be ready to proceed when the time is right.
5. Stay in touch with your support system
Even if your separation is amicable, your emotions will feel like a roller coaster.
Keeping in touch with friends, family, and confidantes can make all the difference to your wellbeing. The social isolation of lockdown makes it more critical that you stay in touch with this network.
So, keep to your usual routine – even if the drinks and catch-ups are now held on Zoom.
The BGM Family Lawyers Team can help
Separating during lockdown is stressful, but BGM Family Lawyers can alleviate your stress. We’ve helped people from all walks of life through family law situations – and our team of Family Lawyers can help you too.
BGM Family Lawyers is Gold Coast Family Law firm situated in Coomera, providing expert legal advice and representation.
We can assist with all Family Law matters, from Parenting arrangements for children to spousal maintenance and Child support.
Get in touch by emailing [email protected] or calling 1300 246 529 – we can even see you remotely/electronically (MS Teams, Zoom, telephone).